7.1 Testing Overview

7.1.1 Analysis Development

All hypothesis testing should be done in a single notebook that you clarify and expand over time. Your final results for your presentation (and paper if applicable) should be stored in the results/ folder.

7.1.2 Normality Testing

You should conduct the appropriate hypothesis test for normality for all continuous variables in your study. For independent variables, these results do not have to be directly reported in your presentation (and paper if applicable), but should inform how your describe any possible limitations with your models. For your dependent variable, you should briefly mention the result when presenting the q-q plot (see the “Final Plotting” section under “Exploratory Data Analysis”).

7.1.3 Difference of Means Tests

You should conduct and report the results of difference of means tests showing the bi-variate relationship between your dependent variable and summary variables representing at least one categorical variable of interest. The number of difference of means tests will thus vary from project to project, but should be between 2 and 4 for most students. These results should be briefly summarized during your presentation (and described in more detail in your paper if applicable).

7.1.4 Correlation Matrix

You should create and describe the results a correlation matrix between all of your final study variables. These should be presented as both a table and a correlalogram (using ggstatsplot). These results should be briefly summarized during your presentation (and described in more detail in your paper if applicable).