9.7 Presentation Day

All presentations will be given during our finals week session on Monday, December 17th from 4pm to 6pm. Please be aware of the difference in start time from our normal class periods. Presentations will take place on campus in a room better suited for presenting than our normal classroom. I will update this space with the presentation location when it is finalized.

Please come prepared for your presentation with at least two copies of your slides -

  1. One copy on a flash drive if using the room PC for Microsoft PowerPoint, on your computer if you will present using it, or on Google Slides
  2. One “backup” copy saved to a cloud service or, if you are using Google Slides, a .pdf version

Please come at least a few minutes early to upload your slides to the classroom PC, to make sure you can log into Google for Google Slides, or to make sure you can get your laptop hooked up to the projector. I will have two Apple adapters available but cannot guarantee that they will work with all Mac laptops. If needed, however, Mac users can present using my laptop.

I will also provide a clicker for those students who are interested in using it. One word of caution - a presentation in front of others is usually not the best time to try using a clicker for the first time. You should practice using one ahead of time, and can borrow one to do so from Ashlee Dorsey, the Sociology and Anthropology Department Administrator.

Make sure you are prepared to speak clearly and loudly. Some students may find notes helpful, but I strongly encourage you not to read verbatim from them. If you are going to bring notes, here are a few tips:2

  • write your notes like you’d say them (short, declarative sentences)
  • plan to speak at about 100-150 words per minute
  • print it 14pt font or bigger

Practicing in front of a mirror or in front of roommates, friends, or family can be very helpful. Being able to practice means being done with sufficient time to make that practice happen - build this into your planning from the outset!

One final note - there are no dress requirements or the like.

  1. These suggestions are adapted from Dr. Jessica Calarco.