9.4 Peer Review Instructions

All students will be assigned a partner for whom they should review the draft final project materials. Reviews should be thoughtful, polite, and supportive. The goal of the review is to provide substantive feedback about the following topics:

  1. The structure of the final project repository itself - how it it organized? How easy is it to find crucial components? How could it be improved?
  2. The code and narrative used for data cleaning and data analysis - does it achieve the needed goals? Is it clear to read and follow? How could it be improved?
  3. The draft presentation - how is it designed? Is it clearly organized? Is it easy to read and follow?
  4. The draft handout - how is it designed? Is it clearly organized? Is it easy to read and follow?

Focus on providing clear, actionable advice for improving on the draft materials. Your review should be written in full sentences and paragraphs as a letter to your partner. Letters should focus first on articulating the goal of your partner’s project (what is their topic and what are they trying to demonstrate with their data analyses) and some positive aspects of their progress towards achieving that goal thus far. Then address each of the four points above, providing supportive critiques and suggestions as necessary.

Each review itself will be graded on a check-plus, check, check-minus scale. It will be graded for thoroughness and thoughtfulness, its tone, and the degree it provides feedback on the four parts listed above.

Table 9.1: SOC 4015/5050 Final Project Peer Review Groups
Pair Section Names
1 SOC 5050 Branson & Raymond
2 SOC 5050 Jeanna & Via
3 SOC 4015 Nadia & Carter
4 SOC 4015 Addie & Mae
5 SOC 4015 Nick & Logan
6 SOC 4015 Janae & Carissa