1.4 Readings

There are three books required for this course with an optional fourth book. Each book has been selected to correspond with one or more of the course objectives. The books are:

  1. Diez, David M., Christopher D Barr, and Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel. 2015. OpenIntro Statistics. 3rd edition. OpenIntro.
  2. Prener, Christopher. 2018. Sociospatial Data Science.
    • This book is not available from the Bookstore. You can access it as a webbook and download it as a .pdf here.
  3. Wheelan, Charles. 2014. Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.
    • This book can be purchased in the bookstore or online. Ebook versions are available.
  4. Wickham, Hadley and Garrett Grolemund. 2017. R for Data Science. O’Reily Media: Sebastopol, CA.
    • This book book can be purchased in the bookstore, online, or accessed for free as a webbook.

I do not require students to buy physical copies of texts. You are free to select a means for accessing these texts that meets your budget and learning style. If eBook editions (e.g. Kindle, iBooks, pdf, etc.) of texts are available, they are acceptable for this course. All texts should be obtained in the edition noted above.

All readings are listed on the Reading List and should be completed before the course meeting on the week in which they are assigned. Full text versions of most readings not found in the books assigned for the course can be obtained using the library’s Electronic Reserves system. The password for the Electric Reserves will be posted on Slack at the beginning of the semester.