2.6 Academic Honesty

All students should familiarize themselves with Saint Louis University’s policies concerning cheating, plagiarism, and other academically dishonest practices:

Academic integrity is honest, truthful and responsible conduct in all academic endeavors. The mission of Saint Louis University is “the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of God and for the service of humanity.” Accordingly, all acts of falsehood demean and compromise the corporate endeavors of teaching, research, health care, and community service via which SLU embodies its mission. The University strives to prepare students for lives of personal and professional integrity, and therefore regards all breaches of academic integrity as matters of serious concern.

Any work that is taken from another student, copied from printed material, or copied the internet without proper citation is expressly prohibited. Note that this includes all computer code, narrative text, and documentation written for class assignments - each student is expected to author and de-bug their notebooks and accompanying files.

All relevant assignments should include in-text citations and references formatted using the American Sociological Association (ASA) style guidelines. Any student who is found to have been academically dishonest in their work risks failing both the assignment and this course.