Lecture 01 - Course Introduction


Key Topics

Analysis development Assignment cowsay Data datasets GitHub Levels of measurement Package installation R remotes Reproducibility testDriveR utils Workflow


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Slack Discussions

Levels of Measurement

Levels of measurement can be difficult to grasp without a lot of practice. To help, I’ve put together a flashcard deck that is conceptual as well as a second flashcard deck that uses R to give you some extra practice. This is my first time using Quizlet, so please let me know if you find it useful. If you have other examples you would like to share or an idea of a variable that you have a question about, send them to me on Slack and I will add them to the deck!

Conceptual Levels of Measurement

This flashcard deck does not require any additional materials. It presents conceptual variables or examples of actual variables.

Levels of Measurement using R

This flashcard deck does require using R. It draws from the testDriveR package’s auto17 data set. All of the functions needed are covered during this lecture, so this is not only a great way to practice identifying levels of measurement but it is also a great way to get some more practice with R. Load the data from testDriveR, open it up in a way that you can see both the variable names and their values, and inspect each variable to determine its level of measurement.

Introducing R and RStudio

At the very end of our first class, we introduced some basic aspects of R and RStudio. An additional resource is RStudio’s cheatsheet that covers the basics of their software.